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Common Says Nas Is His Favourite Rapper

Common was asked who his favourite rapper is at a recent interview, and he named Nas.  Well, that is his choice, so no one has to disagree with him. He didn't say Nas is the Greatest Rapper, he just said Nas is his favourite. He definitely has reasons for saying that, unlike a lot of people that have that "sheep state of mind" mentality.

You can what he said below-

“I would say Nas, that’s my favorite rapper. It’s tough, because [Jay-Z] is one of the greatest and many can argue,” he said, “but Nas is so poetic with it and I feel like his lyrics, you can write them down on paper and they will last for time. It would be like literature that we read.”

I totally agree with him on that one. And a lot of people that are really into the art will agree with that. Sometimes, it is not about making the hits that no one would care about 5-10 years times; it is about making that timeless music, and sure, Nas makes that.

Nas and Common recently collabed on a track, Ghetto Dreams, and there is talks of a full length collabo album in the making.

And yeah, by the way, that pic is from the photo-shoot of one of Fat Joe;s videos from 1995.

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