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Happy 41st Anniversary To Johnny & June

In 1968 on this very date, Johnny Cash wed the love of his life, June Carter in Franklin, Kentucky. It was just three short weeks after Johnny Cash proposed to June Carter onstage during a concert in London Ontario. The auditorium is packed with fans. Cash and Carter are in the middle of singing "We got married in a fever..", when Johnny stops singing his part of the duet. June is confused asis the audience. When Johnny turns to June and says "will you mary me?". The audience grows silent awaiting her answer. Tears are sliding down her cheeks. And all of a sudden she starts nodding yes. The whole audience is a-buzz "she said yes!". Johnny sweeps June into his arms and smiles from ear to ear and says into the mic "What do you say folks? Let's finish this concert." The cheers were deafening and the singing duo finished the end of the song "we got married in a fever, hotter then a pepper sprout..." Cash would later call the proposal one of his greatest performances ever.

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