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Chanel Nail Varnish : more of it!

I am shocked by how many people are emailing, commenting, twittering about how terrible the Chanel Mimosa nail varnish is. Not a day goes past without at least one comment on it. People have confirmed that it stains nails, chips easily, doesn't come off without a fight and looks, well, bad.
Now I found that the Sunday Times were pushing this varnish last Sunday as one of the colors of the season. It's such a shame that none of the writers/editors tried it - because if they had, they woulnd't have pushed it. A lot of the time beauty products in magazines are selected because they are a certain color which fits with the story/photographs/color of the page. Which is sad because it means that they haven't actually been tested by anyone.
I am seriously disapointed by a product which costs so much from such a reputable brand and as it turns out, you all feel let down as well.
Let me know if you've had any issues with yours and any products in general, let's name and shame 'em!

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