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Whose your Daddy?? Baby Angel might never know( Damn Norbit), Eddie Murphy has never met Angel, the 22-month-old daughter he fathered with Spice Girl Mel B.

“To see the kid, he’d have to see the mother,” a friend of 47 year old Eddie stated. He already has five other children by his ex-wife Nicole Mitchell, and two from a previous relationship), So if you are keeping count he has (8) kids. “Maybe when she’s older, Eddie will see Angel, but not now.” Eddie feels the Now married Mel B is Crazy. This is sad this man should see his child what a deadbeat!!

Mel B says I want Angel to know she has two parents who love her so much” Earth to Eddie not seeing the child is not going to make it go away!! "If you liked it then you should have put a condom on it" And you wouldn't have this problem. (Read More Click Now)

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