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Things that go through your brain when you are super tired

* I prefer wearing underwear to going commando.

* Why is 7:30 an acceptable bedtime for children but not adults?

* If I go to bed when I get home will it be a nap or a bedtime?

* How did I used to function on 4 hours of sleep a night? Does 10 years really make that much of a difference?

* What is up with jeans suits!? First Timberlake, now Pacey?

* And a v-neck under it?! Diane must want to kill him.

* I wonder if I'll ever be the kind of woman who could tactfully make a man change out of a bad outfit and into a good one. I've never successfully done that.

* I could never do that no shampooing thing.

* I love ice water.

* Does anyone but me know that my legs are in severe need of a shave?

* I wonder if going to happy hour will make me violate bar rule #1 or if it will just make the day better.

* Can I leave now?

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