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This Is Why You Need A ”Website” For Your Business, Personal Use, Others

1) What a website is
2) What websites are use for
3) Why you need a website
4) Who you should contact to build/develop your website
Why You Need A Website For Your Business, Personal Use, Others
1) What is a website?
A website is a page or collection of pages on the World Wide Web (WWW) that contains specific information which was all provided by one person or entity and traces back to a common Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
From the definition of the website above you can spot that with a website all information about its owner will be unveil or made known to (you) the user of the website in seconds.
2) What are website uses?
From the definition of a website in (part one) you can recalled that it said ”a website contains some specific information provided by the owner for a certain purpose”.
You can see from here that a website can be used for many things like, personal use, commercial use (e.g governmental use, schools, companies/firms, institutions etc) all to provide information about their services and lots more.
This information the website provides can be accessible all over the world provided there is an internet connection and a working computer.
The information website offers may be about;
i) Type of services they offer e.g, a car manufacturing company
ii) Logo
iii) It’s terms of use, Means of Operation
iv) Office address, time of operation
v) Portfolio
v) Photos and video of its products. Etc.
3) Why you need a Website?
This the second to the last issue we will be addressing in this article, but before we proceed we believe that by this time you should have known all about websites and its uses.
In the early 2,000 (two thousand) when internet started to gain momentum around the world only few individuals had interest in it, but today majority of businesses, celebrities, organization, government etc depends on its websites when it comes to information assimilation.
Owning a website today has a lot of influence in your business, personal life. Clients who may want to invest into a business or individual (like songster, online portal for news, music) will be more attracted in a deal when a website containing information about the said company or the individual is presented, with this professionalism will be seen.
What am i trying to say? building a website for yourself (Personal use) or your business (commercial use) has a long way of changing your business for better without you getting notice.
Currently a survey conducted by E & E Technologies (a website development company in Nigeria) shows that 70% of companies operating in Nigeria now own a website. How the survey came to a success was, at random products were checked to contained websites of its respective brands on its label or cartons.
Owning a website today is less expensive to maintain compare to its early days when we had few website hosting companies and website developers.
4) Who should i contact to build/develop my website?
And lastly, after much explanations in my above points, we believe understanding has been achieved, this last part may serve as summary.
Website development is same as a building engineer or contractor you may hire to construct your new house, the more the advancement in skill, experience and dedication, same as the result (bye-product) will come in.
Today many are referred to as a web programmer, developer but only few gives excellent results needed.
With E & E Technologies (A website development company in Nigeria) you are covered in the aspect of professionalism in website development and maintenance.
We Specializes on:
A) Website development/design and Maintenance
B) Mobile and Web Application development
C) Online Marketing
D) SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
We are experts in:
HTML, CSS, Javacript, JQuerry, PHP, SQL, ASP.net, XML etc.
With us you will be able to get a professional websites at the best and lowest prices on;
* E-commerce websites: e.g, online store, payment websites.
* Personal Websites
* Photo Sharing Websites
* Writers/Authors Websites
* Community Building Websites
* Mobile Device Websites
* Blogs, Online Forum, Social Media
* Informational Websites
* Online Business Brochure/Catalog
* Directory Websites.
Contact us today:
Email: info@brainnewsradio.combrainnewsradio@gmail.com
Phone Number: +2348036576311, +2348182746113.
Our Twitter Handle: www.twitter.com/BrainnewsR

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