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A day of heat and exercise and broken car "Charlie"'.

 My friend gave me this fellow for my Japanese Garden but that's been put on hold as Drumstick the chicken ate all the plants and I'm trying to find ones she doesn't like.
He needed a coat or two of sealer because he will be outside but that being done he has come up pretty good.
 This is the sort of day we are having masses of sunshine but it's heating up, we been to Bunnings to buy rapid cement and other things for me and the pet shop to buy Drumstick and Pidges food so we have stopped off at KFC for lunch and off to the sons house for a day of fencing. That's the wooden kind.
We worked for a while and the son needed 4 longer bolts so he took off to get these 4 extra bolts and the beer fairy and I keep cleaning the back yard we he was a long time so I made the comment maybe " Charlie the car has broken down and we would have to walk home".
Well guess what that's what happened.

 So I took some pictures on the walk, his house is only 3 or 4 klms away so that's not so bad and it was now 6pm so not so hot.
 The beer fairy found a hat but I wouldn't let him take it home, you follow a main road for a while on this walkway but there was a gap in the traffic for two seconds.
 You climb up this walkway to the top of the bridge and can see for miles but it's a low sun as it late afternoon by now.
 But it is a bit of a climb.
 Here is the son looking a bit grotty but we all look a bit like that.
 I wouldn't mind this job.
 We also cross the railway line at Clyde and one of the new trains was in so I tried for some pictures,  they look pretty much the same as the old trains just a bit newer.

We were glad to arrive home and a bit tired so dinner was a ham and tomato sandwich.
 We were chatting to the owner of the new house next door he was cleaning up all the offcuts so he asked if we wanted them, we have a fireplace but have stopped using it in winter because it too hard to get the wood, we have the hardwood from my sons old fence and softwood from the house they are building, so warm winter this year, they were using treated pine until a few years ago but have now stopped using it, well it was treated with something to stop white ants and it was not too good for humans, so I told him to just chuck it over the fence I will have enough wood in longer lengths to build a house for Drumstick as he has nowhere to go when it rains.
 Still painting pots
 and these two chairs

 This was Drumsticks little house but it was a dog kennel for M&M when he stayed over but no longer used but Drumstick will not go in there so we think it smells of dog so she doesn't like it, I will show you my effort when done, it might take a while.
 A few pretty flowers to finish up.

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