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If you remember, I posted about beginning to try a new method of gardening

called " bag gardening" a while back before planting season.

I prepared the beds and the bags of fertilized soil, and quickly, flower and vegetable seeds sprouted!

The sprouts quickly grew.........


got thicker.............

and produced well! Do I prefer it over regular gardening in the ground........not really. It sprouts and grows just about the same and the radishes taste the same. However, as a dear visiting friend pointed out, it is so much better for those who don't want to dig in the ground or who have small spaces. I will probably continue bag gardening in my smaller beds throughout the years and still use my wide open spaces as I normally do. Have you given this a try?

Out in the potting shed, I sprouted flowers

pumpkin, cantaloupe and zucchini. They grew well there for 6 weeks, I then hardened them off and planted them in the garden. That week, our temperature reached up to 106 and every plant burnt to a crisp................sigh. What the heat forgot to zap, the mice ate down.
However, I don't give up.

I replanted into the garden spaces. This week we have had a lot of rain and now, everything has sprouted! I guess this is the way it is in every thing that we face in life. We plant our seeds of hope and we sail on a cloud for the first few weeks, then some kind of hardship comes along and we find ourselves devastated and how it all failed. But we manage to roll up our sleeves and give it another try.
Don't we??

I also have green tomatoes! I love red............but I look forward to the green for a dish of fried green tomatoes in the making! 
How about you?
Have you planted something and are enjoying the fruits of your labor?
Or have you had a set back and are struggling to bounce back?
I would love to hear!
******visit my cooking blog for some wonderful history about Better Homes and Gardens and a vintage recipe! click on link to visit.

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