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Unto Us a Child is Born. . .

Merry Christmas Morn !  I had to share our little shining star, baby Will posing as baby Jesus for our manger scene.

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Isn’t that the true reason for celebrating Christmas?  Our faith and family!

The grandies acted out the Nativity while grandpa read from the book of Luke.

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Joseph was a bit camera shy.

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Isn’t Mary cute looking at Joseph?

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And the angel said unto them, “Fear not:  For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy.”

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And there were in the same county shepherds abiding in the field.

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Keeping watch over their flock by night.  (our towel & minky covered sheep were the best we could do on short notice.)

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Baby Jesus, (Will) was so happy in his manger that we let him reside there even after the reenactment was over. 

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Blessed are the little Children!

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas day!  I have loved sharing with you this year.  It is has been so fun getting to know so many of you!  I feel so fortunate to consider you my friends!



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