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More Pink Pike WIP

Just finished the next batch of 16 Pink Pike.

I decided that 8 figures across for a pike block doesn't really give me the impression I want, so decided to expand my Pink Pike unit to 64 figures in 4 ranks, effectively doubling the frontage. I also decided that I wanted to mix up the colours on the armour, having seen Adam's Blue Boys on the Aventine site http://www.aventineminiatures.co.uk/gallery/displayimage.php?album=34&pos=34

Adam has mixed up his two primary coulours of blue and white to give a varied but still very homogenous looking unit. Being the magpie that I am, I decided to pinch the idea!

My plan is to paint perhaps a quarter of this second batch the same as the original figures, so that when I mix up the bases they should all blend, without it being too obvious that half of the figures are more uniform than the rest. I'm also thinking of adding a bit of extra colour to one or two of the previously finished figures to help break up this impression.

Figures still need shields, varnish and basing, but this will wait for the other 16 figures, as these will have alternate tunic colours (probably red and off-white).

In case you were wondering, there is a fourth base, but the photo was a bit poor so I discarded it.

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