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Recapping the weekend- Unexpected everything!

Hey y'all!  Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had nice weather and got out there and enjoyed it!  Linking up with Biana for weekending and Lindsay et al for Hello Monday.  Here we go!

Friday morning I was all set to head to Pure Barre before work.  I got all my stuff together and the car would not start.  I called roadside assistance and they were all backed up so I got some time to sit on the porch and read a book with coffee. 

I love my little porch!
I got my car jumped and went to the dealership and unexpectedly got a free replacement battery even though I though my warranty had expired, score!

Book Club was unexpectedly cancelled because our hostess' father in law had a stroke (please keep them in your prayers and thoughts)

Unexpectedly my friend Stephanie called me to see if I wanted to go to the LSU game with her and her hubby in a suite for free!  Um yeah I did!

On my way to see the Tigers play!
It was homecoming so we went to the fraternity house of her husband and the DZ house for her and the DG house for me.  All the decorations (we call it pomping) were way fancier than when I was in college!

I was so proud of my DG's!

I wanted to sit with Mike but didn't want to break it!

A proud DZ in front of their Coach O.

We were like the first people in the stadium!

This is the life!

Victory for Mississippi State denied!
 Popped on over to yoga to do some much needed stretching Sunday morning.  It was so lovely!

We went and watched the Saints after and enjoyed some more great weather.  It was a busy weekend but I loved every minute of it! 

How was your weekend?  Do anything unexpected?  Have a great week! Back tomorrow with some yummy recipes!

Happy Cooking!


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