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Smashbox Limitless Lip Stain & Color Seal Balm

Lip Stain
Hi Everyone!
This is the Smashbox Limitless Lip Stain and Colour Seal Balm in Guava which is a bright coral-red colour. This is the first lip product that I have purchased from Smashbox and also the first lip stain that I have tried. This product if a marker pen style lip stain at one end and a balm at the other. First you apply the lip stain to clean lips by outlining your lips and then filling them in (there is no need to use a regular lip liner with this product). You then apply the balm over the top of this when it has fully dried to to make your lips feel smoother and to refresh the colour throughout the day. The one thing that has put me off from buying lip stains before is that I feared that they would cause my lips to dry out.

Lip Balm

I was really attracted to this colour as I love red red lipsticks but hate how they can feather quite badly and end up on you teeth! I applied Guava Lip Stain mid afternoon to go shopping and out for dinner with my friends. The colour is really bright and eye catching and certainly got a few comments! I did find that my lips felt very dry through the day so I applied the balm quite a few times but I never had to worry about the colour bleeding or getting onto my teeth (does anyone remember Mrs Doyle from Father Ted? Not a good look!) which is a massive advantage. I did not re-apply the stain at all during the day and ate a meal, when I arrived home around 60% of the colour was still in place, only the inner parts of my lips had worn off. This is great compared to a regular lipstick but does not quite live up to Smashbox's 8 hours of full coverage claim.
Swatches shown on NW 20 skin-

(L to R) Lip Stain, Lip Balm, Lip Balm layered over the Lip Stain

I feel that this product has some pretty major pros and cons! A major pro to it is that it is a great way to wear a bright shade without having to worry about it budging which is great. It also eliminates the need to use a separate lip liner. The disadvantages to this product is that it does make your lips feel dry despite the balm and is fairly difficult to remove fully at the end of the day. The product is priced at £21.50 in the UK which I feel is very expensive and, in my opinion, not worth the money which is why I won't be re-purchasing. Overall I would give the product 2 and a half stars out of 5.

I purchased my lip stain from Debenhams for £21.50 and you can also get it from Amazon here: Smashbox Limitless Lip Stain & Color Seal Balm Petal
Maz x

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