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Converting AD&D Treasure to Beacon d20 (Illuminating Fantasy Roleplay)

I've been converting AD&D modules to Beacon as sort of a test for how Beacon would handle material from beyond the d20 system. I have two different modules that I am working with. Both are from Dungeon Magazine since that material is available on Archive.org so I assume that whoever could have owned the material has given it up. Each of the modules use both editions of AD&D.
So, to begin with I looked at the currency chains of AD&D1e and AD&D2e (as well, of course, of Beacon). It's interesting to see that AD&D1e attempted to have a strange fluctuation in the value of gold, which was desperately annoying. I found this very useful D&D wiki with both of the currency chains available. So here they are:
1 gp = 20 sp = 200 cp = 2 ep = 1/5 pp


1 gp = 10 sp = 100 cp = 2 ep = 1/5 pp


1 gp = 10 sp = 100 cp = 1/10 pp
After glancing through the catalog of weapons from AD&D2e, only able to wonder what the equipment prices might be for AD&D1e, comparing prices between gear from AD&D to Beacon, coming up with an average in deviation, I've decided to abandon this and make an arbitrary system. This arbitrary system for AD&D1e will be: all gold is converted to silver, halve silver is converted to copper, halve copper, 2 ep convert to 5 sp, and convert platinum to gold.
For AD&D2e, I might leave everything the same but the original silver and copper amounts will be two-thirds of what they were instead of half.

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