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FROM THE GM'S SIDE: AK47 Rep. Version 2???

Recently, word is out that AK47 Republic has been re-released as a "Version 2.0", with updates, errata fixed, issues taken care of, rules explained, etc...
That being said, I haven't seen a copy of it yet, but I think I shall order it this weekend.
That also being said, one only has to wander over to the Yahoo Group "RFCM", and still see a LOT of questions about possible "errors", having to do with transports, tanks, gun systems, etc.
Sure AK47 is simple, (That's the beauty of it). It's a nice engine, but I like mine with a little more "tweaks"...(Example: In AK47...a HMG will stop a tank...ummm..oooooooookay..., and a "tank" is a "tank"), which I also have probs with, (Example: Common sense tells me that a 35mm Gun mounted on a "light tank", will almost definately NOT knock out a M1a1...track hit and immobilazation, maybe...KO?...come on...); but AK47 has this...
I think that is why we as gamers like to tinker with the rules, and I like to use the Cantwell Modifications to AK47 Republic. It gives a bit more...
I shall be checking out AK47 Republic Version 2 this weekend when I order it from Brookhurst.

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