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Monday morning check-in and GOALS

You know what Mondays mean at MPB --We're going for the goals!

Before we start, how did you do with the goals you set last week?  Did you accomplish what you'd set out to?

Like I've said before, it's better to set a more realistic goal and actually achieve it than to be overly ambitious and feel disappointed when (if) it doesn't come together.  There's something motivating about finishing what you've planned -- and something discouraging about not.  And this applies to everything, not just sewing.

This last week was a busy one for me sewing-wise and goodness, the week ahead looks full as well.

A recap:

1) On Monday I went fabric shopping in the Garment District with a group of my fellow Pattern Review members and picked up some black polyester fleece and some rose-colored stretch knit.  I had a wonderful time but, frankly, I'm not really one for shopping in groups.  I feel like I'm on a class trip and just want to drive home in a yellow bus.

2) Some exciting new (to me) patterns came into my life.  This is a vintage Seventies Butterick mens shirt pattern, with princess seams on front and back!

This wonderful mens robe pattern is a gift from reader Paulette.  Aside from it's fabulous Fifties swagger, it's actually part of the "I Love Lucy" pattern series!  Now I just need to work on my congas. 

Many thanks to reader Lynn for sending me this fantastic McCall's mens tunic pattern.  I love that mid-Sixties Dr. Zhivago palette and I know I'm going to be a dead ringer for Omar Sharif when I wrap the red scarf around my waist which -- eerie coincidence -- I do anyway!

Finally, I'd like to thank Mary for sending me this mouth-watering mens pants pattern. Do you believe this is from 1979?  Thirty-one years!   To me it looks totally up-to-date.

3) I made my mother a fleece jacket.   You can read about that one yourself.

4) Last week's highlight for me was my khaki vintage Butterick jumpsuit, which set off such a flurry of passionate responses I felt like Janet Jackson post-Superbowl.  There's just something about a man in a jumpsuit that pushes people's buttons.  And changes their oil, apparently.

As full as last week was, brace yourself for the week to come!  Here's (some of) what we have in store:

1) Most of you should already know that this is makeover week at Male Pattern Boldness.  Thanks to my selfless identical cousin Cathy, we're all participating in Cousin Cathy's Makeover Challenge.  If you haven't signed up, there's still time to do so.  Entries must be in by this coming Friday, February 26, so put it on the list.

Participation requires only two photographs: one Before, and one After, emailed to me at peterlappinnyc@gmail.com.  If you want to do more, go for it!   This shouldn't be something that keeps you from feeding the kids.  If you have to skip a meal however....

Cathy's coming over here later today for my initial wardrobe assessment and I've been frantically vacuuming and straightening up in anticipation.  This week we'll be sorting the good from the bad, from underwear to shoes; shopping for the perfect accessories; and basically giving me the look I've always wanted.  Thankfully, I trust Cathy's taste.  She is a fashion model, after all.

2.  I would like to get started (and even finished) one of the above patterns I received last week.  I haven't made pants in months and I'm kinda' keen on that Stretch and Sew number.  Do you think they'd work in vinyl python?  JUST kidding! (?)

3) Being the kind of person I am, it's always a good idea to leave room for the unexpected.  So, I'm going to do just that.  I never know when some new fabric, or a surprise pattern in the mail, or old movie will inspire me to try something completely unplanned.  Will it happen this week?  Let's see!

SO many readers shared their goals with me last week!  I'd hate to put all of you on the spot, and I think the uncertainty of not knowing whether you'll be called out or not is enough to keep you ALL on your toes!  So here goes:

Sue: How's it going with the Burdastyle pattern you downloaded?  Brightfeather: Did you put that niece of yours away and get back to your quilt?  Toby: Talk to us about leather!  AuntieAllyn: How's that Donna Karan jacket coming along? Mikhaela: Pin-up Girl Bra -- ring a bell?  Tilly: The Sencha blouse?  Did you finish it?  K.Line: Bras, bras. Whassup with the bras?   Elle: Did you finish the vintage knit dress?

Of course I'm proud of all of you whether you completed your goals or not.  Just showing up is half the battle and life has a way of tossing us a distracting surprise or two, goodness knows.

So what's going on in your world?  Any projects on the drawing board?

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