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Arthurian / Celtic Space Marine Captain Conversion

 UPDATED 03/04/12 (13:37 GMT)

Attempting an heroic pose....
Firstly, not sure what happened to my blog layout, got back to my PC after a week away and it looked like nothing I've ever selected. Anyhoo, sorted that for now.

This week I have purchased copious amounts of bits from Bitz Box for my Arthurian/Celtic-themed and Welsh-named Mawdryn Space Marines. As the existing ones were built rather hastily to get a few games in whilst myself and Colonel Scipio had windows in our hectic schedules, I wanted to go back to them and rebuild them with a little more loving care and attention.

Firstly though, I wanted to create a HQ figure as I only had a stand-in for my Captain previously......

The inspiration for my Capta
Being mostly Arthurian with interwoved Celtic elements (notably shield designs, carnyx, chariots, druids/bards etc.) I really wanted to capture that feel of a once proud Empire that's now crumbling - and even elements at there best are little rough around the edges (the end of Roman Britain is reflected in the Mawdryn history fluff, albeit not directly). Naturally, given the sub-Roman/Romano-British inspiration, most components come from Ultramarines and Space Wolves, and if there was a transitionary Chapter between the two (aesthetically) it would be the Spears of Mawdryn.

Anyhoo, back on track, I really wanted a tattered, fur-trimmed cloak for the commander - for that frontier, edges-of-the-Empire look. Trawling Bitz Box I found just the cloaks I was looking for - the back component of Warhammer Chaos Warriors. Unfortunately the ones that looked easiest to modify (with just a spike on the shoulder) were out of stock, but rather than wait I took what was available.

The Chaos Warrior cloak prior to hacking and gouging

It took rather a while to cut away the skull trophy and the inside of the cloak, but got there in the end. Unfortunately, the cloak was a little longer than the legs, so a stone from the garden sorted that (can pass as a rocky outcrop or rubble on city boards). The legs are of course Forge World Mk II armour, used to represent the artificer armour. The arm is a standard Space Marine Commander power sword, as is the torso front.

The Captain dons his skull-less cloak

Given the size of the cloak, I trimmed it down a little at the edges and decided to try and bulk out the model a little more, to make him look more commandery. For this I decided to use half an ammo pouch (the full thing looked too bulky) one of the various knives I'd acquired on Bitz Box (a few more of the standard marines will be getting one - mostly from other ranges rather than the modern-looking Marine ones). In this instance, the knife is a Blood Angels sanguinary knife, I rather like the look of these - although it was a pain trying to glue it to resin legs, took a couple of attempts... Lastly the characteristic Late Roman crest, solid metal rather than horse hair. This was cut from plasticard and carefully filed into shape. I filed a narrow groove into the top of the helmet to make the crest more sturdy, and voila. One (almost) complete Mawdryn Captain.

The left arm is a temporary one at the moment until I can find a better one. This arm will be holding a round shield, and I should have that done by tomorrow hopefully. The shield will be bleached bone with the Mawdryn Chapter badge (time-travel link: see future post on shields) shown above (and based on the Chi Rho - a common Late Roman/Arthurian symbol) in dark red on it. Simple and straightforward.

One bitz box built Captain, rough edges to be removed

 Note: The Late Roman chap above was painted (outstandingly) by Dave at The Saxon Dog 

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