"Challenge accepted." Don Diego Astronomo's perfectly waxed moustache lifted in a sneer as he ran a single gloved hand down his cheek where Captain Orion had struck him. He was no man's fool and such a public outrage would not go unsatisfied from the likes of this rabble.
Orion's blue eyes flashed when he realized what he'd commited himself to in a moment of anger. He steeled himself. Perhaps Astronomo would choose pistols, mono-swords or fisticuffs. But in his heart, the Captain knew it was futile. Astronomo was the best duelist in the Sterling System and here at Lord Adlar's christening ball for the new Galatus Space Station, Orion was about to be made into an example.
Three words sealed Orion's fate as they slipped cool and calm into the air. "Spada Sabres at dawn."
When the galaxy was ruled by more noble men and Star Knights were not outlaws, a small sect of idle nobles from the civilized star systems of the galaxy took up danerous pursuits. Dueling was common enough among the listless rich, but mono-swords were broad bladed weapons favored by military men and did not suit aristocrats looking to play at being swordsmen. They looked instead to the flashing blade of the Star Sword. But whether it was a simple lack of discipline, a desire not to outright kill one another, or simply wanting to set themselves apart from the more genuinely noble Star Knights, these rich playboys and dilettantes developed a new weapon: The Spada Sabre.
Built in a fashion similar to Star Swords, the Spada Sabre appears to be little more than an ornate sword hilt until it is activated by pressing a small button on its grip. In an instant a thin telescoping rod of metal springs forth from the handle and begins to crackle with electrical energy. The weight of the electrical rod allows those able to wield mono-swords and other modern melee weapons the ability to wield the weapon without the training required to fight with the deadlier Star Sword.

Any character class able to use the mono-sword or Star Sword is able to use the Spada Sabre. Characters who are not able to wield the Spada Sabre can train at a Spada Fencing School for three months gain the ability to wield this weapon. Such training costs 1000 credits and requires the character to sacrifice 500 Experience Points.
Weapon | Damage | Cost | Weight |
Spada Sabre | 1d6+1* | 100 cr | 2 lbs |
*Spada Sabres inflict non-lethal damage. Any character reduced to 0 hit points by a Spada is rendered unconcious for one turn. Spada Sabres can have a "inhibiter chip" installed for an 100 credits, which allows them to switch between lethal and non-lethal damage by flipping a switch on the weapon's handle.
Spada Sabre Training Schools
While many different styles of Spada Dueling exist across the galaxy here are a few examples. A character wishing to learn one of the Spada Styles must find a teacher who is already a Master of the style they wish to learn and earn the right of apprenticeship. Sometimes this can be as simple as paying the required fees, but many Master Spada Sabre Fencers require their students to prove themselves worthy through rigirous training, heroic deeds, or by performing a great favor for the Fencing Master. This is in addition to the listed cost in credits and experience points.
After a character has spent the necessary time and sacrificed the listed amount of XP for each rank in a style they gain the benefits described below when fighting with a Spada Sabre. However, a character cannot benefit from more than one style at any given time - though they can change between any known styles at the beginning of each combat round before initiative is rolled.
Spada and Cloak
When fighting in the Spada and Cloak style, the fencer wields a Spada Sabre in their primary hand while using a long cloak for distraction and deception, keeping their foe off balance. Masters of this technique are even capable of wrapping their foe in the cloak in the middle of combat, immobilizing the target before they move in to strike.
Rank | XP | Cost | Benefit |
Apprentice | 250 XP | 500 cr | Catch the Eye: By distracting their opponent with a wave of their cloak, the fencer is able to strike first in hopes of defeating their foe before retaliation can occur. They gain a +1 bonus to Initiative when fighting in one-on-one duels. |
Journeyman | 500 XP | 750 cr | Billowing Cloak: Keeping their cloak in constant motion they are able to make sure their opponent remains unfocused and off-balance. The fencer spends one round waving his cloak about in this fashion. Their opponent must make a saving throw or suffer a -2 penalty on all “to-hit” rolls for the next 1d6 rounds. |
Master | 1000 XP | 1000 cr | Gift Wrapped: The fencer manages to wrap their cloak completely around an opponent, preventing them from attacking for a short period. The fencer spends one round wrapping the cloak about their opponent. The opponent must then make a saving throw or be unable to attack for 1d6-3 (minimum 1) rounds. |
Ladron de Spada
This style focuses on leaving an opponent without a weapon. After all, if an enemy has no Spada Sabre he cannot possibly win a duel. This style is highly effective, but is regarded by many as cowardly and dishonorable. Most practitioners simply think of it as pragmatic an effective.
Rank | XP | Cost | Benefit |
Apprentice | 150 XP | 100 cr | Defensive Posture: The basics of Ladron de Spada focus on defense and avoiding being hit while a fencer sets his opponent up for the disarm. The fencer receives a -1 [+1] bonus to their AC in melee combat. |
Journeyman | 300 XP | 500 cr | Disarm: The fencer attempts to disarm an opponent they are facing in melee combat. If the fencer makes a successful melee attack with their Spada, the target must make a saving throw or immediately drop whatever weapon or object they are holding. Targets holding an object in two hands receive a +2 bonus to this saving throw. |
Master | 1200 XP | 1000 cr | Blade-Catcher: This very difficult technique allows a fencer to not only disarm their opponent, but also catch the weapon their opponent drops by sending it sailing into the air and landing in their own hand. The fencer must make a successful melee attack. The opponent suffers no damage if the attack is successful, but must make a saving throw or any object they are holding in their hand is immediately knocked free and lands in the fencer's off-hand. If this object is a weapon, the fencer may immediately make an attack with the caught weapon at a -2 penalty to their “to-hit” roll. |
Astronomo Style
Don Diego Astronomo is regarded as one of the greatest Spada Sabre Duelists in the galaxy. He developed his own style which is focused on a relentless assault that leaves an opponent dazzled from a barrage of attacks and unable to keep up with their relentless foe. Only Don Diego himself teaches the style and only to the most promising and dedicated students.
Rank | XP | Cost | Benefit |
Apprentice | 750 XP | 1000 cr | Precise Strike: Astronomo Style begins with mastery of the basics of a powerful offense. The wielder gains a +2 to all “to-hit” rolls made while wielding a Spada Sabre. |
Journeyman | 1250 XP | 2000 cr | Drive Back: By keeping an opponent at bay, an Astronomo duelist prevents themselves from ever being in danger of an attack as well as positioning an opponent in optimal striking position. Whenever the fencer makes a successful attack with the a Spada Sabre, their opponent must make a saving throw or be driven back ten feet. |
Master | 3000 XP | 4000 cr | Whirling Blades: The Master of Astronomo is a whirlwind of attacks, able to make two attacks each combat round while wielding a Spada Sabre. |
Pirata Style
Not so much a style as a system of fighting developed by space pirates and Brimlings, Pirata style uses dirty tricks, sucker punches and cheap shots to keep an opponent dazed, confused, and always exposed to new and unsportsmanlike attacks.
Rank | XP | Cost | Benefit |
Apprentice | 200 XP | 150 cr | That's Gotta Hurt: By striking an opponent in a vulnerable area, the Spada duelist is able to inflict more damage than most. They receive a +1 bonus to all damage when wielding a Spada Sabre. |
Journeyman | 400 XP | 300 cr | Cheap Shot: Whether it's a sudden cuff on the jaw, a quick fist to the nose or a knee in the groin, Pirata Duelists fight dirty. They can choose to inflict only half damage when making an attack with a Spada Sabre in order to use this ability. If the attack is successful, their opponent must make a saving throw or suffer a -1 penalty to all “to-hit” rolls, a one-point penalty to their Armor Class, and reduce their movement by ten feet for the next 1d6-3 (minimum 1) rounds. |
Master | 600 XP | 750 cr | Sweep the Leg: By bringing their Spada Sabre around and behind their opponent's knee, the Pirata Duelist puts their enemy on their back. When making a successful attack with a Spada Sabre, the fencer can attempt this manuever. Their opponent must make a saving throw or be knocked prone for 1d6-3 (minimum 1) rounds. Prone opponents cannot move and anyone attacking them receives a +2 bonus to all “to-hit” rolls made against the character. |
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