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June 2012 - A weak month for painting

After a great month of production in May, June ground to a halt.  I got bogged down with Ogre Bloodbowlers (which are really cool figures - they are just draining me!).  Also, 'lost' a couple weekends to vacation and what not - weekends are typically my most busy painting time.  Oh well - what can you do?

I bought a few things this month - one of the guys in the UK on The Guild website was selling off a bunch of plastic models on the cheap, so I got in on a bunch of modern tanks and few choppers.  I also purchased and received a preorder of 10mm Blaze Away ACW figures (that are really cool btw).

Completed, for June, 2012:
28mm infantry completed: 5
2 Bikers (Copplestone Casting)
2 Ogres (Heresy Miniatures) 
1 Ogre (Games Workshop)

10mm Infantry completed: 6
6 ACW (Pendraken)

In progress, June/July 2012:
28mm infantry in progress: 16
4 Ogres (Heresy)
4 Miscellaneous Goblins/Orcs/Snotlings (Misc)
8 Snotlings (Impact Miniatures)

20mm infantry in progress: 12
12 African Militia (Mutineer Miniatures)

I have nearly completed 12 militia men from Africa.  I should have them done by the 4th at latest.

Im still plugging away on my Bloodbowl team - still 4 more ogres to go, and then I switch gears to the rest of the team - snotlings, goblins, etc.  Considering how long the 3 ogres I finished this month took, im thinking it will still be another month before I get these guys done.

Finally, Im DYING to start working on some 10mm Carthaginians I have from Pendraken.  I have several elephants and some soldiers - they will definitely get started this month.

2012 Completed Totals:
25-28mm infantry completed: 39
15mm infantry completed: 33
15mm cavalry completed: 10
10mm infantry completed: 24
20mm infantry completed: 8
1/285 Infantry completed:  8
1/285 Armor completed: 20

Purchases in June, 2012:
As mentioned above, I bought some plastic armor models, as well as a few 10mm figures.  About $100 worth of models, and 30 on the 10mil guys.

Total Purchases, 2012

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