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What's On My iPad!

I'm super nosy about what people keep in their purses, backpacks, suitcases, etc. If you say you aren't you're lying. So knowing what apps people keep on their iPads is no exception either. I love finding new, functional and just plain cool apps that I need to keep my life running sorta smoothly. So today I'm going to share what's on my iPad for all you nosy people ;) 

I have the 16gb black iPad Mini unsure of the generation. I got it last Black Friday from Wal-Mart. My case is the iHome Smartbook case that I bought at Marshall's. Here's the Apple version for under $20! 

I absolutely love my iPad. I use it all the time for school, for blogging, for relaxing, etc. It's by far my favorite electronic. It's 100% worth the investment. And with Black Friday coming up places like Best Buy, Target and Walmart will have great deals on them too.  If you're thinking about getting a tablet I'd definitely recommend the iPad Mini. It's not too big like the original but still fits all your needs. The size is perfect to slip into your purse, tote, backpack, etc. I seriously love it and probably wouldn't function without it. It's kinda my life. 

So what do I keep on my lifeline? 

This is my lock screen! I found the background off of Pinterest and just set it as my wallpaper. I love this photo! It's so festive and colorful and I love the texture of the pumpkins! 

My background is also from Pinterest!
This is my main screen where I keep the majority of my apps. I like to keep my iPad very organized and uncluttered. I really only have the apps that I use on a daily basis and that I use pretty frequently. On the bottom row is my most used ones that I go to multiple. multiple times throughout the day. I have Messages, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Spotify and Google Chrome. 

Starting at the top left I have my Photos, Camera, Clock, Notes. Next row is the App Store, Settings, Yahoo! Mail and Facebook. The third row is my Photography folder, Utilities folder, Other Apps folder and Pinterest. Next row is Weather Channel, Calculator, Netflix and the iTunes Music. Finally I have VSCOCam (my favorite photo editing app), Squaready, bloglovin' and Youtube. Now onto what's in the folders! 

 In my Photography folder I keep my lesser used photo editing apps. I have InstaCollage, Afterlight and ABM. 

My Utilities folder just holds all the useless pre-loaded Apple apps.  I don't use any of theses so they just hang out here. 

My Other Apps folder holds apps that I use but not daily. I have Snapchat, Vine, Blogger, Nike Training, 2048, Hootsuite, PostalPix and Hola. 

So that's all I keep on my iPad! The album that I've been listening to non-stop has been Taylor Swift's 1989. I'm seriously obsessed with this. Pretty much the whole album is my favorite song. 

What do you keep on your iPad/tablet? Any apps that you think I need to have? Let me know in the comments! 

Till next time loves!

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"the ipad! what is better designed than that? i read magazines on it, i play scrabble. i use it for everything"

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