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Back in the saddle (so to speak)

I didn't have a whole lot of painting or hobby time this past week, but I did get at least something done:

Okay, I did get some painting done too:

The terrain is a Space Hulk board, made using Hirst Arts blocks. I plan on painting it up, but I am not certain if I will keep it, or get rid of it just yet. I have the molds to redo it as many times as I want, but I am running low on Ultracal 30, so that is a consideration.

Anyway, I am hoping to finish up the three jacks in a couple of days, but I will confess that I fully expect to be distracted once again by the middle of the week. Why? Well, the friendly mail carrier will be leaving several packages, one of which will contain Wrath, a long-overdue Merc deck, and a box of the Ogrun Assault Corps. And, within a day or so of that, I will be getting one of the Rhulic casters (Madhammer, IIRC), and a bunch of Rhulic jacks. And thus, I will have a 35 pt Merc army - and so, the only faction for which I will not be able to field 35 points will be Legion. And it's next. I hope to hit 35 in Legion by the end of July - which leaves me the rest of the year to get each faction up to 50. Some are already done, and others need only a unit or two. They may not be competitive, but that's another matter.

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