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Ultra-Tech Quickie: MOAR DAKKA!

As my readers are probably aware, I love the Blaster and Laser Design System from Pyramid 3/37 Tech and Toys II. I really do and see it as the gift that keeps on giving.

Though as much as I do love it, I don't quite see it as quite perfect...

Some of the formals were simplified and create odd results (*COUGH* strength formula *COUGH*), there's no options for making later Tech Level versions of a given weapon (outside of making them more efficient) and, well, anyone else feels the options for making rapid fire energy weapons a little lacking?

I mean you're limited to either single shot which gives you a G of 1, 3 rounds/sec semi-auto or 10 rounds/sec light automatic which gives a G of 1.25 for both or 20 rounds/sec heavy autonomic which jumps up to a G of 2. That's it.

What if you want a weapon capable of 3 round limited bursts (9 rounds/sec) or model a ray gun version of the M16 (13 rounds/sec) or wanted more then 20 rounds/sec?

Also is it me or is it a bit odd that both having a power supply and cooling system strong enough to support semi auto weighs as much as one that can support light full auto fire?

Well, this limitation has always bugged me a bit so I've come up with my own work around for it and so I figured I might as well as share it with you guys.

It's follows the (limited) examples shown in the article and largely lines up with them but it makes the following major changes, a ROF of 10 now gives a G of 1.5 instead of having the same modifier as a ROF of 3 and a ROF of 3 now has a G of 1.15 with a ROF of 5 now having a G of 1.25. These changes were made to make the maths line up better for a scalable progression.

All you have to do is look up the desired rate of fire below and then use the number besides it for the value G when figuring a weapons Empty Weight.

Not quite dakka enough...
ROF      G
1             1
2             1.1
3             1.15
4             1.2
5             1.25
6             1.3                
7             1.35            
8             1.4
9             1.45
10           1.5
11           1.55     
12           1.6        
13           1.65
14           1.7
15           1.75
16           1.8
17           1.85
18           1.9
19           1.95
20           2

For greater ROFs use this formula: 1+(0.25/(5/R))

R is the desired ROF.

Example: Let's say we want a laser with a ROF of 23, G would be 1+(0.25/(5/23)) or a G of 2.15.

Alright guys, hope you guys find this lil hack useful. Hope you all are having a great 2017 so for.

Also, a quick question. While I normally like to try and keep things as RAW as possible, would you guys mind if I use this more detailed system when stating up weapons in the future so I can give them more personality?

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